The Servant King

  • The Servant King

    From heaven you came, helpless babe,
    entered our world, your glory veiled.
    Not to be served, but to serve,
    and give your life that we might live.

    This is our God, the servant King;
    he calls us now to follow him,
    to bring our lives as a daily offering
    of worship to the servant King.

    And in the garden of tears,
    My heavy load he chose to bear.
    His heart with sorrow was torn.
    “Yet not my will, but Yours”, he said.

    This is our God, the servant King;
    he calls us now to follow him,
    to bring our lives as a daily offering
    of worship to the servant King.

    Come see his hand and his feet,
    the scars that speak of sacrifice.
    Hands that flung stars into space,
    to cruel nails surrendered.

    This is our God, the servant King;
    he calls us now to follow him,
    to bring our lives as a daily offering
    of worship to the servant King.

    So let us learn how to serve
    And in our lives enthrone him.
    Each others needs to prefer,
    For it is Christ we’re serving.

    This is our God, the servant King;
    he calls us now to follow him,
    to bring our lives as a daily offering
    of worship to the servant King.

    (Text: Graham Kendrick)

    Ein wunderschönes Lied. Diejenigen die 2000 (oder war es 1999???) in Kühboden waren, werden es sicherlich kennen.

    Mich hat immer die 3. Strophe beeindruckt: "Hands that flung stars into space, to cruel nails surrendered." Die Hände des Herrn Jesus, die Sterne ins All schleudern konnten, ließen sich durch Nägel festhalten. Und das aus LIEBE zu mir und dir. Wunderbar!

    Viele Grüße

    Der ist kein Narr, der hingibt, was er nicht behalten kann, um damit zu gewinnen, was er nicht verlieren kann.
    (Jim Elliot, Missionar)

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